Content and Media Overview
All websites are made up of content and media. In the scope of our web platform, content refers to the pages you add to your site; whereas, media refers to the different types of media (e.g., images, videos, audio and documents) that you upload to your website. Your site inventories your content and media on administrative pages called your Content Overview and your Media Library.
Content Overview
The content overview is an administrative page (only visible to users with site-specific roles) that lists all user-generated pages added to your site. You can access this page from the admin toolbar by clicking the "Content" button. From the content overview, you can browse user-generated pages and modify them as needed (e.g., publish, unpublish, edit and delete). For brand new sites, the only page that will appear in the content overview is the home page for your site.
Note: If you have the content author role, you will only be able to access your own content (pages authored by you).
Media Library
The media library is an administrative page (only visible to users with site-specific roles) that lists all user-generated media added to your site. You can access this page from the admin toolbar by hovering over the "Content" button, then clicking the Media link from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can access this page by clicking the "Content" button from the admin toolbar, then clicking the "Media" tab. From the media library, you can browse user-generated media and modify the media as needed (e.g., replace file, delete and edit). For brand new sites, the media library will be empty.
Note: If you have the content author role, you will only be able to access your own media (media items uploaded by you).
Do you need support?
If you have questions at any point throughout this training, please submit a request to Ag Comm Web Services through this web form.